
Round 4

Round 4 of what you may ask? That’s right, baby #4. Are we crazy? To be honest, yes we might be a little crazy. Don’t get me wrong, this one was planned just the same as the three before. I’m going to be real though, so far this pregnancy has been miserable! I’ve been fortunate enough in my previous pregnancies that I didn’t have a lot of the typical symptoms. However, with this one I’ve had them all, I swear. To keep it short and sweet, When I was about 5 weeks along we had a cold go rampant through our home. Since getting knocked over by that, I’ve been very fatigued, nauseous, dizzy, headaches. It’s been…it’s been a ride. And the CHERRY ON TOP!? I’ve also been dealing with parosmia, which is distorted sense of taste and smell. So add that to pregnancy aversions, bam, CHAOS!

So suffice it to say, feeling so physically unwell has extended its kindness to my mental health as well. It’s hard to admit, but I have been feeling less than excited for this baby. Man, that was hard to say out loud, or in writing if you will. However, I am fresh into my second trimester and things are starting to look up. It’s a slow climb, but we’re getting there.

I will say one of the most positive uplifting parts of this so far has been the excitement from my children. My oldest, Kyler is over the moon with excitement, hoping for a baby brother. And my middle child has also been quite excited to see my growing belly (which really hasn’t grown quite yet). They both hug my belly and give it kisses. This is so HUGELY important to me because with each new baby I always wonder how it will impact my other babies. To know they are excited makes my heart happy.

I know these feelings are normal, and I have to remind myself of that. Being able to write about them here helps me organize my thoughts and work through them, so, if you’re still here thank you for listening.