Thoughts Out Loud

The Divine Differences

I was reflecting the other day about how each of my children are so unique in their own precious ways. I mean obviously everyone is different, but I’m talking the things that you wouldn’t think about or maybe be prepared for. For instance even in the baby stage they were quite different. My first baby was a pretty normal kiddo who took binkies and bottles, no problem. In fact he really liked his binkies until about age 3. My second kiddo also took binkies, but not as long. She is also the one who had the shortest time breastfeeding. She was just a more independent baby. Then came my third who did not take a binky, but rather her index and middle finger from literally day one on her right hand. It was adorable, but I tell you what it was a lot harder to break that habit than the binky! She also at about 6 months decided she did not want the bottle! And she woke up every 3ish hours for about the first year and a half. I was sleep deprived for sure. And alas there is my fourth and last, when it comes to bottles they weren’t his favorite, but he would take them sometimes. Really we kind of just skipped straight to sippies. However, he would NOT take a binky, and you know what? Having dealt with other binky babies I thought it would be a nightmare to soothe him, but it really was no big deal.

I’m writing this because as I was reflecting, I pondered on how much advice and the to dos, the don’t dos, everything in between that you can get as a mother. I’ve personally experienced everything from no binky taker to binky fanatic. Takes bottles like a champ and hates bottles. No two babies are the same and that is okay. I think we can feel so pressured to craft the perfect balance of what needs to be done to soothe baby, but don’t soothe them too much! Or help them be independent but don’t let them be feral! Honestly it’s a constant conundrum but at the end of the day you just need to follow your mommy gut because you know what works for you and your baby. Give yourself some grace and don’t try to live up to any other parent’s standards.

This is just my thoughts out loud for day, thanks for reading!